Carpet Cleaning & Repairs
The method we use for cleaning is hot water extraction, commonly referred to as steam cleaning. Our exclusive hot water extraction method removes the toughest, deepest dirt safely and gently. Hot water and a specially formulated cleaning solution are injected deep within the carpet fibers. Then, a powerful suction extracts deep-down dirt, allergens, cleaning solution and 95% of the moisture. It’s the cleaning method most recommended by carpet manufacturers and guaranteed to keep your warranty!
We use our powerful hot water extraction cleaning process whenever possible because it provides the deepest cleaning of all the possible methods. Some fabrics may require a more delicate cleaning system. In this case, we will help you make a decision that best suits your needs and your furniture.
Don’t forget we offer portable carpet cleaning for high-rise buildings, large homes and apartments. Our commercial cleaning service offers minimum downtime with dry times within one hour!